
Confronting New Frontiers In Security

About Us

GaitMetrics provides innovative, cutting-edge security and monitoring solutions for homeland security organisations and large enterprises. Our solutions empower organisations with Artificial Intelligence powered, non-intrusive tools for intruder detection, human identification and monitoring based on synergistic and integrated systems.

Secured Premise Intruder Detection

Any intruder with unknown radio gait ID detected within the premise will trigger an alarm and the intruder’s location tracked down.

Immigrations / Customs Gait ID Database

The Gait ID Database can be used to identify individuals entering the airports and their respective locations.

Public Events Security

This is a less intrusive method of tracking visitors’ movements and locations with no need for the use of video surveillance.

Suspect Identification

When a human target is in motion, it is possible to use mathematical modelling to create his/her unique radio Gait ID and patterns.

Our Technology

Human gaits are the various patterns of limb movements made when a human is in motion. Individuals move their bodies and limbs in highly unique and highly repeatable patterns and each person’s gait is discriminative enough for us to distinguish one person’s identity from another, similar to how biometrics like fingerprint and facial recognition work in human identification.

We use radio frequency signals to generate imaging data to provide insights that can be interpreted about movements of people within a given environment space. An AI-powered and non-intrusive human identification system is developed based on human gait biometrics extracted from such radio frequency signals.

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